Finance and risk control

More wealth in a planned and controlled manner The own assets in a planned and future-oriented management as well as value-enhancing and risk-optimized investment requires the highest degree of Knowledge and time. Not everyone who has achieved a certain level of wealth is also a financial or controlling expert , so it is advisable to […]

How trust in the occupational pension scheme can be destroyed

Falsification and concealment of balance sheets are punishable under § 331 No. of the German Commercial Code (HGB). Famous examples of such manipulations would be the Olympus and Enron companies, or more recently P&R. The “Heubeck mortality tables RT 2018 G” (dated 20.07.2018) were allegedly erroneously prepared and later withdrawn – this was the responsibility […]

Optimization of pension equalization – even during a current marriage

In the case of direct commitments and support funds, external splitting in accordance with VersAusglG is an option. A transfer to the Deutsche Rentenversicherung is more profitable than a new capital cover. A commitment to the company pension scheme (bAV) increasingly contains a higher pension promise than is paid out.   With regard to pension […]

Liability of the broker for ratings used – Why brokers and clients should only “enjoy” top ratings in (occupational disability) product ratings with caution

*von Dr. Johannes Fiala, Rechtsanwalt (München), MBA Finanzdienstleistungen (Univ.), MM (Univ.), geprüfter Finanz- und Anlageberater (A.F.A.), Lehrbeauftragter für Bürgerliches und Versicherungsrecht (BA Heidenheim, Univ. of Cooperative Education), ( und Dipl.-Math. Peter A. Schramm, Sachverständiger für Versicherungsmathematik (Diethardt), Aktuar DAV, öffentlich bestellt und vereidigt von der IHK Frankfurt am Main für Versicherungsmathematik in der privaten Krankenversicherung […]

Liability for occupational pension schemes ?

Explosive liability risks for employers – reduced benefits for employees ! “Today I bake, tomorrow I brew and the day after tomorrow …” (Grimm’s fairy tale) Uncertain pension “The pension is safe” proclaimed the politicians. This was followed by an appeal to the citizens to build up a second pillar for old age, the occupational […]

Liability for occupational pension schemes ?

Explosive liability risks for employers – reduced benefits for employees ! “Today I bake, tomorrow I brew and the day after tomorrow …” (Grimm’s fairy tale) Uncertain pension “The pension is safe” proclaimed the Policy. This was followed by an appeal to Citizens may want a second The mainstay of old age, the occupational (occupational […]

+++Liability for occupational pension schemes ?

Explosive liability risks for employers – reduced benefits for employees ! “Today I bake, tomorrow I brew and the day after tomorrow …” (Grimm’s fairy tale) Uncertain pension “The pension is safe” proclaimed the Policy. This was followed by an appeal to Citizens may want a second The mainstay of old age, the occupational (occupational […]

Judgement LArbG Munich: Employer liable for Zillmerung!!!

Neues Urteil des Landesarbeitsgericht München: Arbeitgeber haftet für Zillmerung. über 100 Milliarden Potential für Arbeitgeberhaftung durch Entgeltumwandlung. Arbeitgeber dürfen bei betrieblicher Altersversorgung oft „doppelt zahlen“!* *von Dr. Johannes Fiala, Rechtsanwalt (München), Mediator (Univ.), MBA Finanzdienstleistungen (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), geprüfter Finanz- und Anlageberater (A.F.A.), Lehrbeauftragter für Bürgerliches Recht und Versicherungsrecht (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Bankkaufmann (, […]

Company pension schemes, social security clearing, tax saving schemes: Liability brake by checking the permissibility of tax and legal advice !

Es ist verrückt, die Dinge immer gleich zu machen und dabei auf andere Ergebnisse zu hoffen. (Albert Einstein) In den letzten Jahren haben der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) und das Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) die Rechtsberatung massiv liberalisiert. Der Gesetzgeber plant weitere Erleichterungen auf Wunsch der Wirtschaft, durch das neue Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz (RDG). Für Finanzdienstleister ergeben sich dadurch neue Märkte: […]