Books / Technical articles

Publications – Technical papers Fiala/Schramm, Insolvency risk of British life insurers when relocating to Ireland, ExpertenReport, issue 7/2019, pages 60-62 Fiala/Schramm, When are insurers no longer obliged to pay benefits or can reduce benefits?Expert Report, issue 3/2019, pages 56-58 Fiala/Schramm, No insurance coverage in case of refusal to pay protection money, ExpertenReport, issue 11/2018. Pages […]

Independent advice is needed

Since 2002, many employees have made use of the possibility of a company pension scheme by means of deferred compensation. What the lawmakers who initiated it ignored, however, is the cost. They are now becoming a dispute and are coming to the employers. What is to be done? Since 2002, employees have often made use […]

Caution in dealing with company pension schemes

27.11.2006 Betriebsräte, Arbeitnehmer und Unternehmer tun gut daran, bei der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge sorgfältig vorzugehen. Man kann nämlich Fehler machen, die teuer zu stehen kommen können. Darauf wies uns ein Münchner Rechtsanwalt hin, der mit einer Gruppe von Experten über diese Fragen arbeitet. Mir waren diese Probleme nicht bewusst. Wir möchten die Betroffenen darauf hinweisen. Hier […]

occupational pension scheme: Despite ?insolvency protection? ? GGF liable and loses its entire pension commitment*

*by Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), M.B.A. (Univ.Wales), M.M. (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), EC Expert (C.I.F.E.), Banker ( The financial manager Erhard Straub refers to his very good experience with DCM Deutsche betriebliche Altersvorsorge AG: In his opinion, the intermediary should also point out in the cooperation with StB, RA and WP that […]

Legal advice for your private pension provision

Private pension provision and its pitfalls Anyone who wants to take out insurance for old age cannot afford to ignore a private pension plan today. The standard of living with the statutory pension in the future is doubtful. A well thought-out concept for a private pension scheme is therefore equally important for self-employed and employees. […]

Finance and risk control

More wealth in a planned and controlled manner The own assets in a planned and future-oriented management as well as value-enhancing and risk-optimized investment requires the highest degree of Knowledge and time. Not everyone who has achieved a certain level of wealth is also a financial or controlling expert , so it is advisable to […]

The company pension scheme

If the company pension does not deliver what you were promised Every day we learn from politicians and the media that the statutory pension will at some point not be sufficient to maintain the accustomed standard of living in life after a professional career. Those of us who have taken out a company pension in […]

Give me my money back!

(06.06.2007) von Richard Lamers Das kann teuer werden. Für den Arbeitgeber. Ein aktuelles Urteil des Münchener Landesarbeitsgerichts stärkt allen Arbeitnehmern den Rücken, die über eine Gehaltsumwandlung ihre Rente aufbessern wollen. übersicht: 1. Gib mir mein Geld zurück! 2. Deutsche Chefs in der Pflicht 3. Jenseits von Versicherungen Eine Autoverkäuferin aus Rosenheim hatte 35 Monate jeweils […]