Retirement planning with annuity purchase instead of life insurance or sovereign wealth funds with cash cover

– How the state can ensure the efficiency of retirement planning for the middle class –   After 31 years of work, average earners will only receive a basic pension (social welfare level, with up to less than 758 euros per month) – low earners would have to work 63 years in social security for […]

Bundesfinanzhof: How to obtain insurance cover

The Federal Court of Finance (BFH, ruling of 07.12.2016, file no. II R 1/15) decided that when the policyholder (VN) provides insurance cover for any insured person (VP), the full, non-aggregated sales price counts as the assessment basis for the insurance tax (VSt): The prerequisite for this is that the insurer (VR) participates in the […]

Compensation from the intermediary after change of cover or change of insurer

The Federal Court of Justice (BGH, ruling of 26 August 2018, file no. I ZR 274/16) expects the plaintiff, who feels that he has suffered damage after the re-coverage of life insurance policies, to present facts from which the probability of damage can be deduced for a declaratory action.   An action for a declaratory […]

Federal Minister of Finance: saved Rürup capital can be seized

– only precaution on social assistance level may be protected from creditors –   The sales market of the securitization of the Rürup capital For many years, insurance associations, insurers and the insurance sales force have been praising the Rüruprente in advertising brochures as a seizure-protected old age provision. Now, according to a new letter […]

Optimal revocation for credit, capital investment and insurance

– When legal representation without an appraisal is giving away pure money -.   No one would accuse financial institutions, i.e. banks and insurers, of unlawful or dishonest behaviour if affected customers do not receive what they are actually entitled to after a revocation of credit and investment or insurance contracts. Without an expert examination […]

Capital protection: Why some asset protection schemes lead to poverty or prison

It is common practice for credit institutions of all kinds and independent advisors to sell “private financial planning” to their clients. This may well cost a few thousand euros in fees – only for the time being, because the damage done in the process is often up to more than six figures. Bank(st)ers let it […]

The capital-weak Cinderella GmbH for the exemption of company pension claims

– How employees can lose their company pension completely from one day to the next –   In occupational pension schemes (bAV), most employees are in the position of a lender, because the employer regularly has at best a fraction of the necessary funds set aside for a specific purpose. Usually, the employer does not […]

Camouflage constructs in the enforcement practice of the tax office – or tax evasion deluxe* How tax authorities discover incomplete voluntary declarations and find hidden funds

1. the fairy tale of the wild-eyed lone perpetrator Bankers and representatives of foreign life insurers must be willing to travel and be creative. Even dubious arrangements should at least leave the customer with the feeling that “the tax authorities will certainly not find out”. Revelations followed through offshore leaks, interested journalists, bought up CD-ROM’s, […]

Company pension scheme (bAV) and working time account models (ZWK) – New BGH ruling on reversal in the case of capital investment in closed participations

*by Dr. Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), Mediator (Univ.), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), EC Expert (C.I.F.E.), Lecturer in Civil and Insurance Law (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Banker ( You can’t solve a problem with the same mindset that created it. (Albert Einstein) Also renowned offerers of closed participation […]

bAV: Penalty risk – Zillmerung without insurance cover ? ? or ?Zillmerung good ? all good? *

*by Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), M.M. (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), EC Expert (C.I.F.E.), Banker ( The insurance intermediary (agent and broker) is not insured by a property damage cover (VSH) if he intentionally or knowingly breaches his duties. What does this mean for the intermediary’s practice? Knowingly breach […]