Expert advice: What brokers should know about debt collection

Many brokers offer additional services. But there will certainly not be a simple answer to the question of which ones may be offered. In the second part – the first part you will find here – of an exclusive contribution for FONDS professionell ONLINE, attorney Johannes Fiala and actuary Peter A. Schramm explain the obstacles […]

Attorney Tax Law Munich

Your lawyer for tax law: How we support our clients in the tax jungle German tax law is one of the most complex tax systems in the world, even if the often quoted story of the most comprehensive tax literature in the world is probably a bourgeois Moravia. As Attorney for tax law we offer […]

New BGH ruling on the obligation of life insurers to provide information on surplus calculation

– When a right to information does not exist, and no right to accounting – If a policyholder assumes that he/she is entitled to a higher valuation reserve on expiry of a capital-forming life insurance policy than that paid out by the insurer, he/she may have a claim for information against the insurer. The Federal […]

Sales success or wasted legal additional income with the insurance broker?

– When insurance brokers can receive fees in addition to brokerage –   “Tine flies like an arrow. Fruits flies like a banana.” (Groucho Marx) For decades, insurance brokers have competed with business and tax advisors, legal counsel, and insurance consultants. In this context, comprehensive insurance advice as pure legal advice is (also) part of […]

Legal advice by insurance intermediaries: solutions for the broker’s practice

Liability for time value account models, fiduciary models, social security exemption and bAV fee advice   Prohibited legal advice leads to invalidity of contract In its judgment of 26 August 2010 (Case No. 2 C 995/09), the AG Schwäbisch Gmünd ordered a “consulting company for working time accounts” to repay the remuneration paid, as the […]

Euro rescue leads to planned debts

“Under communism, banks are nationalized and then go bust, under capitalism, banks go bust and then are nationalized.”(Christine Lagarde) First German subprime crisis due to junk real estate and interest rate bets Since the end of the 1980s, not only the legal predecessor group of Hypo Real Estate Holding AG (HRE) has been piling up […]

Improved, but often too careless

In May and June 2009, we tested a total of 50 Internet Riester subsidy calculators – with alarming results. Only two test persons survived the by no means unusual test cases without errors. The ghost drivers among the computers formed the majority! That percentage has since dropped, as a retest showed. It is quite frightening […]

Riester subsidy calculator – and a lot of confusion

The ninth part of the series deals with the alarmingly different results of Internet Riester subsidy calculators from financial service providers.   The Riester pension has meanwhile become an important guarantee for premiums in the insurance industry. From the customers’ point of view, the high level of state Riester incentives in the qualifying phase is […]

Riester subsidy calculator – guessing instead of advising?

For a long time, financial service providers have been committed to providing information to their potential customers – especially when it comes to the topic of old-age provision. This is good and gratifying. But what does the practice look like?   In order to find this out, around 50 Riester subsidy calculators were examined as […]

Choice between plague and cholera

The Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof, BFH) has ruled that the VAT-exempt activity as an insurance intermediary consists not only in seeking customers but also in bringing them together with the insurer. As the Federal Fiscal Court stated in its ruling of 6 September 2007 (Ref. V R 50/05), the terms insurance agent and insurance broker […]