Advisory duties, liability, gaps in cover using the example of natural hazard insurance

– When insurance brokers and agents are liable for the uninsured like insurers -.   The German Insurance Association (GDV) puts the insured losses from the flood disaster in July at around €7bn. However, for damages that are not insured in whole or in part, the liability of the insurance intermediary, who often provides “support”, […]

Does a limitation of liability agreement in the brokerage contract protect against recourse claims?

A limitation of liability agreement in the brokerage contract is regularly irrelevant, because such agreements usually do not protect against unlimited recourse liability. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that it will already be a breach of duty if the broker, as an “expert on risks”, does not inform the client […]

Company pension schemes, social security clearing, tax saving schemes: Liability brake by checking the permissibility of tax and legal advice !

Es ist verrückt, die Dinge immer gleich zu machen und dabei auf andere Ergebnisse zu hoffen. (Albert Einstein) In den letzten Jahren haben der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) und das Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) die Rechtsberatung massiv liberalisiert. Der Gesetzgeber plant weitere Erleichterungen auf Wunsch der Wirtschaft, durch das neue Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz (RDG). Für Finanzdienstleister ergeben sich dadurch neue Märkte: […]