Life insurance companies and foundations from Liechtenstein, Bermuda, Switzerland and Papua New Guinea

– When structures for asset protection and succession planning are ineffective – Banks and insurance companies, as well as financial advisors from Germany and abroad, are praising foreign camouflage constructions via prospectuses and appraisals. This should make it practically possible for assets of 100,000 euros or more to constitute a secure succession arrangement by circumventing […]

Legal effects and legal consequences of certificates of representation of foundations with legal capacity

In the case of legal transactions, foundation boards are happy to rely on certificates of representation issued by the foundation supervisory authority as legitimation. The legal quality of such documents and the legal consequences and legal effects they entail are questionable. The following contribution is intended to show that the legal certainty sought by the […]

Errors in Foundation Statutes-How Founders in Liechtenstein are Expropriated

In the past, many a resourceful investor had hidden his money from the tax authorities by means of a Liechtenstein foundation. Some are now in for a rude awakening, not because of data leaks, but because they are being banned from the foundation before the other foundation board members.   Data leaks and increased uncovering […]

Company pension via a foundation?

The forecasts for benefits of numerous private pension insurance policies have more than halved since they were taken out, which has only been the case since 1990, due to the sharp fall in interest rates in the meantime. This is no different in occupational pension schemes (bAV), which are largely organised via life insurance policies. […]

Building Block for Retirement Security: A Charitable Foundation

The situation is common: The end of working life is approaching. With current, quite respectable income, it has been possible to pay off the owner-occupied home and, in case of doubt, to cover the children’s education costs. In addition, they do not have a high level of cash assets, or cash assets that are perceived […]

The foundation as a rock in the surf – value preservation and tax relief via the foundation

Foundations have existed in Germany for centuries. Some of them still exist today and have survived wars, recessions, banking crises, changes of government and other events. Many assets – such as works of art, collections, buildings with land – could be preserved for posterity with the help of a foundation. The topic of “foundations” has […]

Retirement provision with foundations – enjoying liquidity and security

This is a situation most employees face at some point: The end of working life is approaching. With current, quite respectable income, it has been possible to pay off the owner-occupied home and meet the children’s education costs. In addition, for the above reasons, there is no high level of cash assets or cash assets […]