Asset Management

Those who want to know that their private assets, those of a foundation or even of an institution are in good hands and who themselves have little understanding of capital preservationand protection, can assign this task to a so-called asset manager. Asset management, a professional title that is largely unprotectedorunregulated in Germany, defines a service […]

Generation consultants, succession planners and financial planners together with initiators in conflict with the Legal Services Act

For decades there has been the training as Financial-Planner (financial planner), Estate-Planner (succession planner) and for some years now as Generation Consultant with IHK certificate. Surely only the trainers will make money from this for the time being. At second glance, it is a guide to the violation of the Legal Services Act (RDG) and […]

The profession and remuneration of finance and insurance brokers in transition due to regulation

Selected challenges and megatrends in financial services distribution   The image of financial services sales of credit institutions and insurers has been suffering for years, especially due to TV documentaries about dubious business models or manipulation of interest rates, share prices and commodity prices. Product providers are also in the pillory, for example when up […]

Permits for guardianship of minors, care and administration of the estate

Permits for guardianship of minors, care and administration of the estate Introduction A legal guardian can be appointed for an adult: Legal guardianship leads to legal guardianship, § 1902. The guardianship court may appoint a voluntary guardian (lay guardian) or a professional guardian. The appointment of a suitable volunteer supervisor is a priority. The volunteer […]

New landlord certificate aims to protect against crime through bogus registrations

Why presumption certificates and well-intentioned laws invite crime Over 35 million citizens live in Germany for rent. Since 01.11.2015, they have to submit a certificate from the landlord about moving in and out to the registration office. A state secretary from the Ministry of the Interior commented on the amendment to the law: “The Federal […]

VSH: Coverage gaps for liability umbrella and intermediaries

Time and again, companies in the investment brokerage industry get into difficulties or disappear from the market. In fact, the individual intermediaries, for whom such events can threaten their very existence, are always caught up in the maelstrom. The latest example of this could now become the liability umbrella of Infinus. For the time being, […]

Unisex – and what else?

Insurers are beating the drum for year-end business and advertising early unisex solutions. However, some intermediaries have a completely different problem. Particularly in the day-to-day business and in compensation, things are really sticking. portfolio international explains how the biggest pitfalls in everyday sales can be avoided. Shortly before Christmas, a more than 100-year-old practice of […]

No legal loophole: Portfolio management by insurance brokers without a licence

Those who have lost their licence as insurance brokers are interested in continuing to “look after” their (previous) portfolios. In the trade press, the “legally erroneous” opinion kept appearing that portfolio management by brokers without a licence was not (or no longer) possible – but that this was allegedly a “legal loophole in insurance law”. […]

Insurance coats come into fashion

With the final withholding tax, traditional asset management with funds is losing much of its appeal. Insurance shells based on the Luxembourg or Liechtenstein model are likely to gain in importance despite the current heated debates on tax evasion. You don’t have to be a prophet to predict one thing: insurance shell companies will come […]

Company pension scheme: Successful Reversal with the Support Fund – Obligation to Provide Information on Total Loss Risk with Regard to U-Fund Insolvency Scenario

“The right has the curious property that you can keep it without having it.” (Joseph Unger) Particularly in the case of deferred compensation, it is advisable to choose a reinsured provident fund (U-fund) as the carrier in the company pension scheme (bAV). However, experts agree that this involves additional acquisition and administrative costs that are […]