Life insurance in Liechtenstein: Asset protection with total default risks

“If you have faith, it’s all over.” (Stanislav Lec, Polish poet)   Asset protection is the separation of business and private risks or assets, including the integration of insurance protection. Risks to private assets stem primarily from the business sector (e.g. liability for break-through) or from financing, but also from separation/divorce or legal disputes.   […]

Gift tax and inheritance tax

How to protect your assets from gift tax First of all, it is important to clarify the question of why such a bizarre-sounding tax as the gift tax is actually levied in Germany. The widespread belief that one can freely dispose of one’s own property and private assets, which have already been severely affected by […]

Books / Technical articles

Publications – Technical papers Fiala/Schramm, Insolvency risk of British life insurers when relocating to Ireland, ExpertenReport, issue 7/2019, pages 60-62 Fiala/Schramm, When are insurers no longer obliged to pay benefits or can reduce benefits?Expert Report, issue 3/2019, pages 56-58 Fiala/Schramm, No insurance coverage in case of refusal to pay protection money, ExpertenReport, issue 11/2018. Pages […]

Tax savings through charity or religion – or tax evasion-Deluxe

– What alternatives are there to the tax havens Andorra, Liechtenstein, Vatican, Switzerland, San Marino, and Monaco –   To date, Germans have invested up to more than € 360 billion in tax havens, as Professor Gabriel Zucman recently determined. The widely praised way of buying tax CDs with allegedly mass self-disclosures is only the […]

Asset protection – The tricks of the trade

Asset protection: How managers and entrepreneurs try to protect their property You manage million amounts and your decisions have a major impact on the economy, employees and your own company. The managers and entrepreneurs of our time are rewarded for this responsibility with high salaries, profit-sharing and attractive share packages that are more than above […]

Criminal tax fraud or money laundering with the help of foundation trustees and life insurance companies

Johannes Fiala, Peter A. Schramm It is the responsibility of the capital investor to have “tax saving models” examined independently of “fee and commission interests” before making an investment decision. Because even re – nommierte credit institutes arrange dubious investment models until today. Seit Jahren schreiben Steuerfahndungsstellen Bundesbürger wegen „Ermittlungsverfahren nach § 208 Abs. 1 […]

Insurance coats come into fashion

With the final withholding tax, traditional asset management with funds is losing much of its appeal. Insurance shells based on the Luxembourg or Liechtenstein model are likely to gain in importance despite the current heated debates on tax evasion. You don’t have to be a prophet to predict one thing: insurance shell companies will come […]