Private health insurance (PKV) must advise on medical euthanasia

– How a responsible private health insurance achieves stable contributions – A physician began his lecture on the subject of “Patient Will” with the words: “So, all those of you who are insured by the statutory health insurance (GKV) can now leave the hall – you will be left to die, because the GKV only […]

Euthanasia to ease the burden on private health insurance companies

Private health insurance and euthanasia – how does this fit together, many readers ask themselves after the current discussion. At first glance, the topics may seem unrelated, but a dispute has arisen over whether Emergency aid for reducing contributions in of private health insurance right or morally justifiable. published under Private Health Insurance Test 2017 […]

The fairy tale of the better private health insurance (PKV)

  – Advantages of the statutory health insurance (GKV), which insurance brokers conceal –   A PKV insured gets his tumor on the neck, an optic nerve and half of his tongue removed. The subsequent proton therapy – costs up to more than 43 TEUR – may not be paid by the PKV. The employer’s […]

Is the risk-adjusted transfer of ageing provisions in private health insurance coming?

How even sick people can switch insurers: Until 2008, it was discussed that the ageing provision could only be transferred when changing insurers if the transfer value was determined according to the individual health risk of the insured, i.e. if the sick person received more ageing provision than the healthy person. If the sick person […]

Court prohibits making it more difficult to change private health insurance tariffs by means of a “tariff structure surcharge

Premium adjustment clause of Allianz Krankenversicherung also invalid?   Penalisation of old customers as tariff switchers through premium surcharge Since the introduction of the new Aktimed tariffs, Allianz has levied an additional flat-rate surcharge, the so-called tariff structure surcharge, on all switchers from the old tariffs. This reduced the potential savings of those switching from […]

Premium adjustment clause for private health insurance companies

Since the introduction of the new Aktimed tariffs, Allianz has levied an additional flat-rate surcharge, the so-called tariff structure surcharge, on all switchers from the old tariffs. This reduced the potential savings of those switching from old Allianz tariffs, who tend to be in poorer health than new customers on Aktimed tariffs. Switchers had to […]

BGH – Liability of tariff change optimizers also applies to old cases

Health insurers may demand an exclusion of benefits in the target tariff if the policyholder changes tariffs. The policyholder does not need to have an increased risk for this. This is clear from a ruling of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH). As a result, tariff change optimizers who accept unreasonably high risk surcharges for […]

Books / Technical articles

Publications – Technical papers Fiala/Schramm, Insolvency risk of British life insurers when relocating to Ireland, ExpertenReport, issue 7/2019, pages 60-62 Fiala/Schramm, When are insurers no longer obliged to pay benefits or can reduce benefits?Expert Report, issue 3/2019, pages 56-58 Fiala/Schramm, No insurance coverage in case of refusal to pay protection money, ExpertenReport, issue 11/2018. Pages […]

The late switch back to statutory health insurance and other alternatives

– Why the complete departure from private health insurance is questionable – (Continued and last part from issue 5517/20 November 2015)   Option: partial maintenance of PKV If one considers only the premiums of private health insurance and statutory health insurance, savings of up to more than a quarter of a million euros are possible, […]

The late switch back to statutory health insurance and other alternatives

A 55-year-old man reports to an actuarial expert after his private health insurance (PKV) has more than doubled its premiums within nine years, even though he has been insured for almost thirty years. The actuary replies, yes, I just calculated that for a client – around 8% annual increases are quite realistic, especially if you […]