Attorney-client privilege or tax liability

“Don’t go to the prince before you are summoned,” says attorney Rüstig, until suddenly his first liability notice is delivered to him personally.   He had been obedient since 1.1. In 1993, he complied with the Interest Discount Act (“ZaSt “er!) by distributing the interest income from escrow accounts among his clients and then certifying […]

Intermediary liability: bankruptcy due to incorrect investment advice

A must read for advisors, agents, brokers, employees of distribution companies, employees of insurance companies, partners and employees of credit institutions.   Intermediary liability: The early death of the investment advisor through bankruptcy due to incorrect investment advice!   New market development trends: The banking and investment scene is in a state of upheaval. The […]

The company pension scheme

If the company pension does not deliver what you were promised Every day we learn from politicians and the media that the statutory pension will at some point not be sufficient to maintain the accustomed standard of living in life after a professional career. Those of us who have taken out a company pension in […]

Insolvency law

Insolvency is rarely a disgrace Insolvencies of large and small companies are almost part of the daily news agenda. Terms likeinsolvency practitioner, reorganization, creditor or insolvency proceedings are familiar to everyone. However, we know from practice in our firm that very few people are aware of the exact meaning of a insolvency or insolvency proceeding. […]

Life insurance companies and foundations from Liechtenstein, Bermuda, Switzerland and Papua New Guinea

– When structures for asset protection and succession planning are ineffective – Banks and insurance companies, as well as financial advisors from Germany and abroad, are praising foreign camouflage constructions via prospectuses and appraisals. This should make it practically possible for assets of 100,000 euros or more to constitute a secure succession arrangement by circumventing […]

Press / TV / Radio

In this section you will find articles related to our law firm or the fields of activity of our activities. Should you ever search in vain for a pdf file or the reprint of a contribution, the publisher has unfortunately not allowed us to make a copy on the Internet. However, you will find the […]

Books / Technical articles

Publications – Technical papers Fiala/Schramm, Insolvency risk of British life insurers when relocating to Ireland, ExpertenReport, issue 7/2019, pages 60-62 Fiala/Schramm, When are insurers no longer obliged to pay benefits or can reduce benefits?Expert Report, issue 3/2019, pages 56-58 Fiala/Schramm, No insurance coverage in case of refusal to pay protection money, ExpertenReport, issue 11/2018. Pages […]

Press & Public Relations

Please contact us if you have any requests or questions, if you would like to make arrangements for contributions, interviews, panel discussions, workshops, seminars, lectures, etc. You can also send us your request by e-mail or contact Ms. Fiala directly. Phone: 089/17 90 90-0Extension: 089/17 90 90-35Fax: 089/17 90 90-70E-mail: Lectures, workshops, seminars Target […]

Why private basic pensions often lead to losses for policyholders

A marketing expert remarked: “The best marketing agency is in Berlin – that is, the government”. First came the Riester pension with subsidised allowances, then the increasingly tax-deductible basic pension – also known as the Rürup pension. One financial services provider said: “The shift from state to private retirement provision is a growth market for […]

Generation consultants, succession planners and financial planners together with initiators in conflict with the Legal Services Act

For decades there has been the training as Financial-Planner (financial planner), Estate-Planner (succession planner) and for some years now as Generation Consultant with IHK certificate. Surely only the trainers will make money from this for the time being. At second glance, it is a guide to the violation of the Legal Services Act (RDG) and […]