Insolvency law

Insolvency is rarely a disgrace Insolvencies of large and small companies are almost part of the daily news agenda. Terms likeinsolvency practitioner, reorganization, creditor or insolvency proceedings are familiar to everyone. However, we know from practice in our firm that very few people are aware of the exact meaning of a insolvency or insolvency proceeding. […]

When real estate becomes junk real estate

How do banks and insurance companies finance usuriously overpriced real estate? Scrap real estate is a topic for up to more than two million affected investors. The Investors’ Council says: “Only invest in investments that you understand yourself”. This applies to the timing of investments and the ongoing monitoring of capital investments. More often, experts […]

Permits for guardianship of minors, care and administration of the estate

Permits for guardianship of minors, care and administration of the estate Introduction A legal guardian can be appointed for an adult: Legal guardianship leads to legal guardianship, § 1902. The guardianship court may appoint a voluntary guardian (lay guardian) or a professional guardian. The appointment of a suitable volunteer supervisor is a priority. The volunteer […]