Asset Management

Those who want to know that their private assets, those of a foundation or even of an institution are in good hands and who themselves have little understanding of capital preservationand protection, can assign this task to a so-called asset manager. Asset management, a professional title that is largely unprotectedorunregulated in Germany, defines a service […]

Expropriation protection

Take care of your assets One crisis follows the other, fronts harden and for the ordinary citizen, events roll over at a speed that makes it almost impossible to assess the consequences involved and to prepare appropriate expropriation protection. Inflation, property tax reform, gas apportionment, rising interest rates and cold progression are just a selection […]

Professional asset protection – asset protection for medium-sized companies in practice

– Legal management of insolvency risks in occupational and private pension schemes –   The private and occupational pensions of the self-employed are particularly at risk in the event of their own insolvency. This is also confirmed by a new ruling of the Federal Court of Justice[1] (BGH) according to which Rürup/basic pensions can be […]

Books / Technical articles

Publications – Technical papers Fiala/Schramm, Insolvency risk of British life insurers when relocating to Ireland, ExpertenReport, issue 7/2019, pages 60-62 Fiala/Schramm, When are insurers no longer obliged to pay benefits or can reduce benefits?Expert Report, issue 3/2019, pages 56-58 Fiala/Schramm, No insurance coverage in case of refusal to pay protection money, ExpertenReport, issue 11/2018. Pages […]

Finance and risk control

More wealth in a planned and controlled manner The own assets in a planned and future-oriented management as well as value-enhancing and risk-optimized investment requires the highest degree of Knowledge and time. Not everyone who has achieved a certain level of wealth is also a financial or controlling expert , so it is advisable to […]

Compliance: Is the pool use “risky”?

A report by the State Criminal Police Office of North Rhine-Westphalia on “Financial Investigations 2014” substantiates the suspicion of commission fraud by the number of submitted contract initiations in insurance sales. There were reports on two insurance brokers who had submitted their applications for endowment insurance policies (KLV) via three different pools. “The alleged beneficiaries/contractors […]

Risk Time value account

Financial product distributors are increasingly promoting working time accounts and the models of partial retirement. The financial intermediaries are mostly concerned with commissions: Few brokers are aware of the civil and criminal liability risks. A time value account is not an implementation method of the company pension scheme. Rather, it is a matter of a […]

Money from the state for companies?

The international financial crisis has reshuffled the cards in the credit poker. Basel II is tough and smart bankers are not naive. Creditworthiness is the key to liquidity! Otherwise, the dream of investment-led funding is shattered. Es ist kein Geheimnis, sobald sich internationale Finanzkrisen anbahnen, brechen für Unternehmen harte Zeiten an. Geldinstitute sind in Aufruhr. […]

Caution in dealing with company pension schemes

27.11.2006 Betriebsräte, Arbeitnehmer und Unternehmer tun gut daran, bei der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge sorgfältig vorzugehen. Man kann nämlich Fehler machen, die teuer zu stehen kommen können. Darauf wies uns ein Münchner Rechtsanwalt hin, der mit einer Gruppe von Experten über diese Fragen arbeitet. Mir waren diese Probleme nicht bewusst. Wir möchten die Betroffenen darauf hinweisen. Hier […]

Initiator monitoring and controlling: sales companies and training managers in personal liability for incorrect training of financial intermediaries and financial advisors

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the same as between a flash of lightning and a firefly (Mark Twain, US storyteller and satirist, 1835 – 1910).   Since many training courses of product providers and/or distributors are based on legal statements whose contents were not checked in advance, the […]