Roulette in life and pension insurance entitlements

– When assets go to the wrong beneficiary on death -.   The race between heirs and beneficiaries in the event of death Even in the normal case of a revocable subscription right, a notification from the insurer to the beneficiary is still required after the death of the policyholder, according to which the beneficiary […]

Anticipated succession

Juristische und steuerrechtliche Beratung für Erblasser zum Thema Erbfolge Wer zu seinen Lebzeiten ein privates Vermögen aufgebaut hat oder familiäres Vermögen erhalten und gemehrt hat, möchte dies auch in Zukunft im Verband der eigenen Familie beziehungsweise Erben wissen. Erklärtes Ziel ist es hierbei selbstverständlich, das eigene Vermögen zu erhalten, ohne durch den Fiskus oder eventuelle Erbschaftsstreitigkeiten […]

Inheritance and pension law: Your lawyer for competent advice in Munich

Inheritance law: Advice and support on inheritance The subject of inheritance and bequeathing is as old as mankind itself and the subject Erbrecht is an extremely sensitive and complex area. Only a few people deal extensively with the subject of bequests during their lifetime and often leave their heirs more trouble than assets. Everybody knows […]

When revocation and/or amendment of a subscription right can fail

The Federal Court of Justice (BGH, ruling of 25.09.2019, ref. IV ZR 99/18) had to deal with the life insurance of a policyholder (VN) who had fallen into a coma in 1993 after an accident. The wife, who was divorced in 1994, was entitled to withdraw her claim. The father of the UN informed the […]

Compensation from the (professional) guardian after termination of insurance

The OLG Koblenz (judgement of 28.02.2018, file no. 4 W 79/18) decided on the liability for damages of a professional caregiver after he or she had terminated a private health insurance (PKV) together with a supplementary nursing care insurance (PV) and a short time later the benefit claim occurred.   Liability in the event of […]

Compensation for heirs in the event of failure to provide medical euthanasia

The Higher Regional Court of Munich (OLG, Az. 1 U 454/17, judgement of 21.12.2017) sentenced a family doctor to pay 40,000 € – inherited – compensation for pain and suffering for immaterial damages to the heir. The deceased had been artificially fed, among other things by a PEG probe, and kept alive for about 21 […]

Private health insurance (PKV) must advise on medical euthanasia

– How a responsible private health insurance achieves stable contributions – A physician began his lecture on the subject of “Patient Will” with the words: “So, all those of you who are insured by the statutory health insurance (GKV) can now leave the hall – you will be left to die, because the GKV only […]

Generation consultants, succession planners and financial planners together with initiators in conflict with the Legal Services Act

For decades there has been the training as Financial-Planner (financial planner), Estate-Planner (succession planner) and for some years now as Generation Consultant with IHK certificate. Surely only the trainers will make money from this for the time being. At second glance, it is a guide to the violation of the Legal Services Act (RDG) and […]

Permits for guardianship of minors, care and administration of the estate

Permits for guardianship of minors, care and administration of the estate Introduction A legal guardian can be appointed for an adult: Legal guardianship leads to legal guardianship, § 1902. The guardianship court may appoint a voluntary guardian (lay guardian) or a professional guardian. The appointment of a suitable volunteer supervisor is a priority. The volunteer […]

Return to statutory health insurance possible in old age

In Germany the “compulsory insurance for all” was introduced by law almost 10 years ago. Anyone wishing to change their health insurance (KV) has a difficult time, because without new insurance cover, the cancellation will not be effective with the previous KV. This applies especially to people who are 55 years old or older, who […]