Liability for real estate loans and equity financing with life insurance – banks, insurance companies and brokers are responsible for repayment

Life insurance policies for the repayment of construction loans The combination of several financial products (e.g. building loan and life insurance, real estate loan and building society contract) promises the investor additional income through possible interest rate differences or tax savings, and at the same time additional commission for the agent. However, it is not […]

Deposit insurance for credit institutions and securities trading firms, Part 1

When maybe only 100,000 euros are secured and the rest becomes a restructuring profit for the bank….   The Financial Market Authority cannot prevent the insolvency of credit institutions, securities trading houses or insurance companies. For securities trading companies, the maximum compensation obligation is 90% of up to EUR 20,000. In the past, there was […]

Deposit insurance and guarantees at banks, government bonds and insurance companies worthless?

All guarantees, in whose security one lulls oneself, have no absolute value. After all, the decisive factors are the conditions and the legal framework for this, political legal certainty and the economic default risk of the guarantor.   Guarantee certificates Looking for “total return investments” where you end up getting 100% of your investment back […]

Guarantees and safeguards: Worthless in the end?

Why do guarantees and security systems have to prove worthless in the end?   All guarantees, in whose security one lulls oneself, have no absolute value. After all, the decisive factors are the conditions and the legal framework for this, political legal certainty and the economic default risk of the guarantor.   Guarantee certificates Looking […]

Legal and illegal tax evasion for ordinary earners and the middle class?

Ways to absolute tax exemption for every federal citizen – or tax evasion deluxe National budgetary law is considered the supreme discipline of parliaments. Already in the European Community (EC) the design principle applied that the member states compete with each other through national laws on income taxation. This has led to international corporations being […]

Liability despite total loss

– What are the liability risks for investors, advisors and intermediaries?   German investors lose up to more than 40 billion euros annually on capital investments. Time and again, public prosecutors or insolvency administrators are interested in whether the calculation of returns or the practices in balance sheets and accounting have been all too creative […]

Capital investments as modified fastball systems – tax liability despite total loss

– What are the liability risks for investors, advisors and intermediaries?   German investors lose up to more than 40 billion euros annually on capital investments. Time and again, public prosecutors or insolvency administrators are interested in whether the calculation of returns or the practices in balance sheets and accounting have been all too creative […]

Severance pay and other alternatives to occupational pension schemes (bAV)

– Opportunities for employers and employees to optimize pension provision –   Due to the low interest rates on the capital markets, it will in many cases no longer be possible to achieve positive real returns in the traditional external implementation channels of occupational pension schemes in accordance with the German Company Pensions Act (BetrAVG). […]

Unisex – and what else?

Insurers are beating the drum for year-end business and advertising early unisex solutions. However, some intermediaries have a completely different problem. Particularly in the day-to-day business and in compensation, things are really sticking. portfolio international explains how the biggest pitfalls in everyday sales can be avoided. Shortly before Christmas, a more than 100-year-old practice of […]

Yield methods and rating liability I

Returns are of central importance in the professional life of a banker. Other financial service providers, such as pension funds, financial and investment advisors and credit intermediaries are also affected. The circle of affected professions also includes the rating agency and many a tax consultant/auditor (StB/WP) who is active in connection with Basel II. Often […]