Swinging into the rating liability trap

What is the legal assessment of the involvement of the Scope Group rating agency with the fund initiator Interlife Management and the sales company Deutsche Konsortial? portfolio international spoke to the Munich lawyer Johannes Fiala. The sales expert warns against a possible contributory negligence of the sales department in the case of erroneous judgements of […]

Financial loss liability insurance for intermediaries when operating beyond the borders of Germany

by Ralf W. Barth, pecuniary loss liability broker (www.rwb-finanz.de) and Johannes Fiala, lawyer (Munich), M.B.A. (Univ.Wales), M.M. (Univ.), certified financial and investment advisor (A.F.A.), EC expert (C.I.F.E.), banker (www.fiala.de ) The prime case: As is well known, the retirement provisions of entrepreneurs in Germany can hardly be protected from the access of third parties in […]

Investor protection transparency rating and/or expert rating?

*by Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), M.B.A. (Univ.Wales), M.M. (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), EC Expert (C.I.F.E.), Banker (www.fiala.de ) Existential questions: Damaged investors and intermediaries know the situation when it is said ‘No, no, your good money is not gone ? it has only someone else? The mediator of financial products is obligated […]

Rating agencies cannot exclude liability through clauses

Three people are affected by ratings: the person being rated (e.g. an initiator) with the rating subject (e.g. the current account), the person being rated (the rating agency) and the readers/users of the rating. The resulting question of the liability of the rating agency is clarified by Johannes Fiala, lawyer (Munich), M.B.A. (Univ.Wales), M.M. (Univ.), […]

Forced renovation

How expensive will the dream of home ownership For many people, the dream of owning their own home is a lifelong goal and an integral part of private wealth accumulation. Hardly any other investment symbolizes security, stability and the realization of personal dreams as much as a home of one’s own. Often, the path to […]