Facilitated return to the statutory health insurance system

The new “Law for the elimination of social excessive demands in case of contribution debts in the health insurance” regulates a new obligatory follow-up insurance as an automatic voluntary continued insurance even after only one day of previous insurance, Sounds complicated, but it is actually quite simple.   Anyone who legally leaves the previous compulsory […]

Statutory health insurance also for over 55-year-olds without 12 months of compulsory insurance

– A new regulation facilitates return to the statutory health insurance in old age -.   The new “Law for the elimination of social excessive demands in case of contribution debts in the health insurance” regulates a new obligatory follow-up insurance as an automatic voluntary continued insurance even after only one day of previous insurance, […]

Statements in Insurance Industry No. 15

Re: VW 13/2013, Company & Markets, Health Miscounseling: In about 90 pension schemes, also called Versorgungskammer, chambered professionals regularly become compulsory members. Their entitlements to funded pensions have already fallen sharply compared with earlier commitments and will have to fall further if interest rates remain low. It would be a mistake to rely solely on […]

Contractual benefits in the PKV not safe!

The PKV does not cease to invoke an alleged disadvantage of the statutory health insurance. There, the legislature could reduce benefits at any time by legislative decree. He had also made use of this time and again in order to keep an increase in contribution rates within limits. In private health insurance, on the other […]

Compulsory acceptance / Compulsory contracting – Insurance customer

Insurer rejects a client of the insurance intermediary An insurance agent gets annoyed when “his” insurance company rejects a client’s application. A lot of work – no commission. Then the question of compulsory acceptance / compulsory contracting arises – can the intermediary or the customer force the insurer to accept the application? Principle: A compulsion […]

How far does the temporal benefit obligation of the daily sickness benefits insurance extend?

*by Dr. Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), Mediator (Univ.), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), EC Expert (C.I.F.E.), Lecturer in Civil Law (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Banker (www.fiala.de) “There is known knowledge. These are things we know we know. There is known ignorance. That is, there are things we know […]