bAV: Valuation of pension provisions – auditors sound the alarm

IDW criticizes unrealistic balance sheet approach The renowned Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW) puts it in a nutshell in its press release of 16.01.2006:   “Deficiencies in the current regulations – The tax requirement of 6% thus results in a provisioning approach that is too low. Similarly, Section 6a of the Income Tax Act prohibits the […]

Initiator support and controlling: products, such as participation certificates, sometimes prove to be a placement fiasco*.

The ad-hoc release from 02.01.2006 – Allgemeine HypothekenBankRheinboden AG (AHBR): “AHBR expects negative annual result for 2005, Frankfurt am Main,2 January 2006Allgemeine HypothekenBank Rheinboden AG (AHBR) expects a negative after-tax result for the 2005 financial year. Thiswill be in the range of EUR 1.1 to 1.3 billion, according to the Bank’s preliminary estimates. The background […]