The 10 Commandments

How to avoid capital destruction via life insurance   In economic terms, life insurance policies are often investments that compete with traditional bank products. Intransparency, faulty advice and incorrect billing cost customers billions every year. In most cases, there is then a claim for back payment, reclaim or compensation. However, insurers will not pay without […]

Criminal tax fraud or money laundering with the help of foundation trustees and life insurance companies

Johannes Fiala, Peter A. Schramm It is the responsibility of the capital investor to have “tax saving models” examined independently of “fee and commission interests” before making an investment decision. Because even re – nommierte credit institutes arrange dubious investment models until today. Seit Jahren schreiben Steuerfahndungsstellen Bundesbürger wegen „Ermittlungsverfahren nach § 208 Abs. 1 […]

Discussion of the judgement of the BGH of 12.07.2007

The Federal Supreme Court (BGH) has clarified by judgement of 12.07.2007 that it is sufficient to hand over a prospectus to the capital investor instead of informing orally in person. This means a considerable reduction in workload. Dr. Johannes Fiala, Attorney at Law (Munich), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor […]

Liability issues in the tax saving and acquirer model

by Johannes Fiala, MBA/Lawyer Kristina Starck, Munich/Dr. rer pol Klaus Werht, private lecturer at the Department of Economics of the University of Hamburg, damage assessor in Hamburg-Neugraben I. Typical facts The investor is regularly approached by a contact person with the aim of clarifying whether there is a general interest in saving taxes or acquiring […]

bAV: Time value account and U-Kasse without VSH protection

*by Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), Mediator (Univ.), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), EC Expert (C.I.F.E.), Lecturer (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Banker ( The defendant asked his lawyer how long the whole affair was likely to take. Lawyer: “For me three hours and for you three years…” Again and […]

What are acquisition brokerage, investment advice, financial portfolio management, financial planning, investment brokerage and prospectus liability?

Investment brokerage: Investment brokerage (also called acquisition brokerage, especially in the insurance sector) is the pure brokering of a third party’s investment (no products created by the client). What is owed is the provision of information and the execution of the mediation, but no advice. The investor has a limited expectation here, because he only […]

Company pension schemes, social security clearing, tax saving schemes: Liability brake by checking the permissibility of tax and legal advice !

Es ist verrückt, die Dinge immer gleich zu machen und dabei auf andere Ergebnisse zu hoffen. (Albert Einstein) In den letzten Jahren haben der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) und das Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) die Rechtsberatung massiv liberalisiert. Der Gesetzgeber plant weitere Erleichterungen auf Wunsch der Wirtschaft, durch das neue Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz (RDG). Für Finanzdienstleister ergeben sich dadurch neue Märkte: […]

Distribution and intermediary law

*by Johannes Fiala, Attorney at Law (Munich), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), M.M. (Univ.), chartered Financial and investment advisor (A.F.A.), EGExpert (C.I.F.E.), banker ( Distribution and intermediary law: what are contract brokerage, investment advice, Financial portfolio management,financial planning, investment brokerage and prospectus liability? Investment brokerage: Investment brokerage (also acquisition brokerage, especially in the insurance sector) is […]