External division of occupational pension rights

With regard to pension equalisation, there is currently (still) the possibility of “external splitting” of company pension schemes (bAV), for example in the event of divorce, Section 17 of the German Pension Equalisation Act (VersAusglG). Affected are direct commitments (also known as pension commitments) as well as rights against a relief fund. The beneficiary spouse […]

Optimize pension equalization – even during a current marriage

Company pension scheme: Dr. Johannes Fiala and Peter Schramm explain how a higher level of provision can be achieved with less effort in a guest article for procontra-online.de. With regard to pension equalisation, there is currently (still) the possibility of “external splitting” of company pension schemes (bAV), for example in the event of divorce, Section […]

Immobilienpilot: “Leverage transactions

Chance of multiple profit – but also private bankruptcy risk ! (at the same time with reference to the new BGH ruling on consultant liability, V ZR 402/99)     The original case:   Dr. Peter Fleißig, a physician with a successful practice, 45 years old, one wife, two children, is informed by his financial […]

Alternatives to occupational pensions

Due to the low interest rates on the capital markets, it will in many cases no longer be possible to achieve positive real returns in the traditional external implementation channels of occupational pension schemes (bAV) in accordance with the German Company Pensions Act (BetrAVG). Thank God there are viable alternatives. In the case of tax-subsidised […]

Severance pay and other alternatives to occupational pension schemes (bAV)

– Opportunities for employers and employees to optimize pension provision –   Due to the low interest rates on the capital markets, it will in many cases no longer be possible to achieve positive real returns in the traditional external implementation channels of occupational pension schemes in accordance with the German Company Pensions Act (BetrAVG). […]