Gap in the statutory insolvency protection of the pension payments of a GmbH shareholder-managing director (GGF)

– Even with PSV protection, the GGF is in danger of completely losing its contractually and legally protected pension commitment (direct commitment) –   In principle, the managing partner (GGF) of a GmbH is subject to the personal protection of the Works Pension Act (BetrAVG), if he is considered as not controlling in the labour […]

Tax-optimised compensation of pension commitments through a well thought-out spin-off from the GmbH

The pension promise as a tax trap?   The advantages of a pension commitment are sufficiently known to every tax consultant and GmbH controlling shareholder-managing director. Tax advisors have also recommended this pension plan to their clients in order to reduce taxes and increase liquidity in the company.   However, experts estimate that over 90% […]

Company pension scheme: Social assistance is pre-programmed in case of design errors

Findige bAV-Unternehmensberatung apply for a pension commitment check: “We would be happy to take over the professional checking of pension commitments for you. In doing so, we also ensure that frequent deficiencies that occur in practice (…) are also recognised”. With order the mediator receives ?questionnaires ?unfortunately however central risks are not recognized thereby, because […]

Risk Time value account

Financial product distributors are increasingly promoting working time accounts and the models of partial retirement. The financial intermediaries are mostly concerned with commissions: Few brokers are aware of the civil and criminal liability risks. A time value account is not an implementation method of the company pension scheme. Rather, it is a matter of a […]

Managing directors and senior executives give away the insolvency protection of their pension scheme

If managing directors and senior executives have been promised their company pension scheme(bAV) as a pension commitment or direct commitment, in the vast majority of cases the existing reinsurance assets are not sufficient to fully finance the retirement benefits. Insofar as reinsurance – e.g. as life insurance or investment funds – are available, employers think […]

Cinderella shows the way

There is economic leeway in the redemption of company pension entitlements In occupational pension schemes (bAV), most dependent employees are in the position of a lender, because the employer has regularly set aside at best a fraction of the necessary funds for a specific purpose. Usually, the employer does not get away from the promise […]

Federal Labour Court: Ineffective restriction on widow’s benefits in company pension scheme

The Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht, BAG, judgment of 30 September 2014, Case No. 3 AZR 930/12) ruled that the general terms and conditions contained in a pension commitment, according to which the granting of a widow’s pension requires that the beneficiary “has predominantly provided for the maintenance of the family”, were in breach of the […]