Private health insurance (PKV) cuts dental laboratory costs to the level of statutory health insurance

– Judgement LG Aachen: Private health insurance and privately insured persons often only owe statutory health insurance prices –   Dentists joke about their patients “The earnings from a total renovation have been enough for generations to buy a new swimming pool”. However, a new ruling by the Aachen Regional Court (Ref. 11 O 367/10 […]

Aiding and abetting suicide with impunity?

Dr. Johannes Fiala and Dipl.-Math. Peter A. Schramm explain which consulting obligations the private health insurance and, if applicable, also brokers have with regard to euthanasia. There is a chance for contribution reductions in private health insurance through euthanasia: If the UN does not waste its assets on pointless treatments, even in the hope that […]

Change tariffs and save

A private health insurance swallows up huge sums of money in old age – is the often heard accusation. That’s right! Unless you know all the tricks that can save thousands of euros in no time at all – or help you get back into the public purse, even if you are over 55. “Don’t […]