When the insolvency administrator takes hold

Direct insurance and term life insurance In the case of insolvency, a distinction is made between the actual insolvency proceedings and the subsequent good conduct phase lasting several years. Insurance benefits from private and company pension schemes (bAV), but also from term life insurance, can be paid out in both phases. The insolvency administrator will […]

Subscription right LV: How the contract value can be collected retroactively

How can the irrevocable subscription right be eliminated by revoking the life insurance? What options are available to heirs or insolvency administrators to collect the contract value retroactively.   If a life insurance contract falls within the estate, all rights of structuring apply first of all; such as termination, revocation of a subscription right, contesting […]

Basic pension as a permanent danger of misadvice?

The basic pension is sold by the millions as a tax-saving model. Where documentation is provided at all, however, it is not uncommon for it to lack references to tax burdens in old age, which are precisely when the standard of living is noticeably lowered. This year, up to 22,766.40 euros in contributions can be […]