Trust foundation as a progressive and flexible solution for dentists

Doubling of tax benefits for married couples by RA Dr. Johannes Fiala* and Frank M. Strobelt** MUNICH/BERLIN – Medium-sized entrepreneurs, including many physicians, dentists and pharmacists, are currently facing a multitude of problems for which efficient solutions are urgently needed. According to calculations by the Institute for Research on Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, more than […]

Trust foundation as a solution for medium-sized businesses

Attorney Johannes Fiala and Frank M. Strobelt explain how entrepreneurs can arrange company succession through a charitable foundation. According to calculations by the Institute for Research on Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, more than 300,000 family businesses are facing a change of ownership in the next few years. It is estimated that in about 40 percent […]

Effective solutions for medium-sized entrepreneurs – especially in the event of liquidity bottlenecks and in the law of succession

Almost completely unnoticed by the entire public, a fundamental reform of the inheritance and gift tax is imminent in 2007. This is like a time bomb for the entire middle class, because the details are only now becoming known step by step.   Experts and tax experts, for example from the Association of German Chambers […]

Middle class “reformed to the point of failure

New regulated inheritance and gift tax starting from 2007 lets duties explode – non-profit trust foundation as effective solution for medium-size entrepreneurs Almost completely unnoticed by the public, a fundamental reform of the inheritance and gift tax is imminent in 2007. This is like a time bomb for the entire middle class, because the details […]

The charitable foundation as a solution

New tax regulations such as inheritance and gift tax affect the entire middle class. Intelligent solutions are needed. One is the charitable trust, which is supported with substantial tax benefits. Johannes Fiala and Frank M. Strobelt Almost completely unnoticed by the public, a fundamental reform of the inheritance and gift tax is imminent in 2007. […]

New task for financial service providers: the charitable trust foundation

by Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), Mediator (Univ.), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), EC Expert (C.I.F.E.), Lecturer (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Banker ( Effective solutions for medium-sized entrepreneurs – especially in the event of liquidity bottlenecks and in the law of succession Almost completely unnoticed by the entire public, […]