How to check the quality of an investment before buying – financial planning using the example of “junk real estate”.

by Johannes Fiala, lawyer Eine Investition in eine schlechte Geldanlage kann Ihr gesamtes zukünftiges Leben beeinträchtigen. Neben den finanziellen Lasten kommt noch die soziale und emotionale Belastung dazu. Dieser Artikel soll zeigen, wie sich “der Deutsche” Produkte verkaufen lässt – und durch welches Vorgehen sich die typischen Fehler vermeiden lassen. Dieses Wissen mag zwar nicht […]

How much lawyer does a person need?

The writer Ludwig Thoma, who studied law, introduces the main character in his story “The Contract” with the following words: “The royal district court councillor Alois Eschenberger was a good jurist and also otherwise of moderate intellect. He was not concerned with the essence of things, but solely with under what legal concept the same […]

Annoyance of the insurance intermediary: insurer rejects a customer

An insurance agent gets annoyed when “his” insurance company rejects a client’s application. A lot of work – no commission. Then the question of compulsory acceptance / compulsory contracting arises – can the intermediary or the customer force the insurer to accept the application? Principle: A compulsion to conclude a contract can always be assumed […]

The Hand File of the Tax Advisor, Auditor and Lawyer (Part I)

For tax consultants, auditors and lawyers alike, the reference file is a tool of everyday professional life.   1. the so-called biggest enemy of the professional is not seldom the own client, because just in the case of disagreements with the client can arise in connection with the hand file inconveniences for the professional, which […]