Liability for occupational pension schemes ?

Explosive liability risks for employers – reduced benefits for employees ! “Today I bake, tomorrow I brew and the day after tomorrow …” (Grimm’s fairy tale) Uncertain pension “The pension is safe” proclaimed the politicians. This was followed by an appeal to the citizens to build up a second pillar for old age, the occupational […]

Liability for occupational pension schemes ?

Explosive liability risks for employers – reduced benefits for employees ! “Today I bake, tomorrow I brew and the day after tomorrow …” (Grimm’s fairy tale) Uncertain pension “The pension is safe” proclaimed the Policy. This was followed by an appeal to Citizens may want a second The mainstay of old age, the occupational (occupational […]

+++Liability for occupational pension schemes ?

Explosive liability risks for employers – reduced benefits for employees ! “Today I bake, tomorrow I brew and the day after tomorrow …” (Grimm’s fairy tale) Uncertain pension “The pension is safe” proclaimed the Policy. This was followed by an appeal to Citizens may want a second The mainstay of old age, the occupational (occupational […]

New ruling of the Munich Regional Labor Court: Employer liable for Zillmerung

over 100 billion potential for employer liability through deferred compensation. Employers are often allowed to “pay twice” for company pension schemes !* *by Dr. Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), Mediator (Univ.), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), Lecturer in Civil Law and Insurance Law (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Banker (, […]

Confession of the insurance industry: Liability for occupational pension schemes?

Explosive liability risks for employers – reduced benefits for employees! “The pension is safe” proclaims the politicians. This was followed by an appeal to the citizens to build up a second pillar for old age, the occupational pension scheme (bAV) – in particular through deferred compensation. Clever sellers, especially of insurance products, seized the opportunity. […]

Independent advice is needed

Since 2002, many employees have made use of the possibility of a company pension scheme by means of deferred compensation. What the lawmakers who initiated it ignored, however, is the cost. They are now becoming a dispute and are coming to the employers. What is to be done? Since 2002, employees have often made use […]

Judgement LArbG Munich: Employer liable for Zillmerung!!!

Neues Urteil des Landesarbeitsgericht München: Arbeitgeber haftet für Zillmerung. über 100 Milliarden Potential für Arbeitgeberhaftung durch Entgeltumwandlung. Arbeitgeber dürfen bei betrieblicher Altersversorgung oft „doppelt zahlen“!* *von Dr. Johannes Fiala, Rechtsanwalt (München), Mediator (Univ.), MBA Finanzdienstleistungen (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), geprüfter Finanz- und Anlageberater (A.F.A.), Lehrbeauftragter für Bürgerliches Recht und Versicherungsrecht (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Bankkaufmann (, […]

Deferred compensation with insurance solutions: Employers have double wage costs due to company pension scheme?

The case: Employee loses approx. 90% of his company pension scheme: Anna M. (name changed) had asked her employer to invest part of her salary in a company pension scheme for her (deferred compensation). After € 6,230 had been transferred by the employer to a “company pension scheme” over three years, the employment relationship ended. […]

Credit risks due to company pension schemes

Liability risks and over-indebtedness of borrowers due to lack of equal value of deferred compensation and undervaluation of other pension obligations. I. Introduction w “No future can make up for what you fail to do in the present.” (Albert Schweitzer, Protestant theologian, musician, philosopher and physician 1875-1965) This simple formula marks the beginning of the […]