Portfolio guarantee for intermediaries in the event of sales and pool insolvency: A self-dealing exercise?

What insurance agents and brokers should look out for in terms of self-protection   Service commissions and follow-up commissions may be forfeited upon separation of the agent from the pool or distributor if the distributor is sold or liquidates its holdings, including the insolvency of a broker pool. Insurance agents and brokers are therefore readily […]

Unisex – and what else?

Insurers are beating the drum for year-end business and advertising early unisex solutions. However, some intermediaries have a completely different problem. Particularly in the day-to-day business and in compensation, things are really sticking. portfolio international explains how the biggest pitfalls in everyday sales can be avoided. Shortly before Christmas, a more than 100-year-old practice of […]

Guarantees are not safe either

by Detlef Pohl After the first Protektor case, the question of life insurance guarantees also arises. How secure are the guaranteed benefits? Not only the future participation in surplus, but also the sum insured calculated with a guaranteed interest rate is by no means secure in the event of an unfavourable development of the capital […]