Federal Supreme Court prohibits insurance consultants from charging contingency fees for changing tariffs in private health insurance

– How the insurance consultant with a second job may do exactly this and more nevertheless –   Insurance brokers as well as insurance consultants are allowed to offer policyholders (VN) in private health insurance (PKV) at the change of tariff according to the new tariff. § Section 204 of the German Insurance Contract Act […]

Company pension scheme Managing Director

Company pension scheme Managing director and shareholder-managing director

Loss of company pension scheme for managing directors in the event of insolvency The company pension scheme has increasingly become the focus of public interest in recent years due to changes and adjustments in pension policy. Politicians are increasingly shifting the issue of pensions into the personal responsibility of employees and employers, which means that […]

Don’t pay too much

The Federal Social Court (BSG, ruling of 10.10.2017, Ref. B 12 KR 2/16) decided that no health insurance contributions are owed on benefits from a voluntary supplementary occupational disability insurance and/or private pension insurance. In the case decided, the plaintiff has been drawing a BU pension since 2008. All of a sudden, sometime in 2011, […]

Incorrect retention of SHI contributions

The Federal Social Court (BSG, ruling of 10.10.2017, Ref. B 12 KR 2/16) decided that no health insurance contributions are owed on benefits from a voluntary supplementary occupational disability insurance and/or private pension insurance.   Pension fund of the press had been wrong or mistaken? In the case decided, the plaintiff has been drawing a […]

Additional financing of company pension schemes (bAV) subject to wage tax

When do employees face a double insolvency risk with occupational pension schemes and additional tax burdens? The subject of the BMF letter of 6 December 2017 (IV C 5 – S 2333/17/10002; DOK 2017/0989084) is, among other things, also the future treatment of incorrectly structured company pension scheme (bAV): Accordingly, special payments by the employer […]

Company pension scheme: Paying twice

The Federal Minister of Finance announced the future treatment of incorrectly structured company pension schemes (bAV): According to this, special payments made by the employer for employees are subject to wage tax if the provider makes calculation errors. Employers and employees are thus doubly liable for this “tax savings model”.   First of all, subsequent […]