Reversal of closed participations and life insurances through rescission, revocation and termination?

– How capital investors can be deceived systematically also by “money back! order” –   Current BGH ruling on the invalidity of “money-back orders The Federal Court of Justice (BGH. Judgment of 11.12.2013, Ref. IV ZR 46/13) ruled that the purchase of “used” life insurance policies is null and void unless it is a genuine […]

Sales risk: Closed-end investments with trust structures

“Most transportation taxes, including sales taxes, have no deeper purpose than to bring money to the state.” Federal Fiscal Court (BFH), in: BStBl 1973, p.96 From an initiator’s point of view, the involvement of a trustee offers considerable advantages, for example in the case of KG investments. The effort for the “register publicity” of the […]