Mistakes and pitfalls in real estate financing

Unsound proposals by intermediaries and financial houses for investors and builders In the last three decades, around one million German citizens have had a de facto junk property sold to them as an investment, primarily as a retirement provision. Very few are actually a case for the wrecking ball or the demolition expert, because they […]

Mistakes and pitfalls in real estate financing

Risks:  Unsound proposals of the mediators and finance houses for investors and owners are no rarity – in the last three decades approximately a Milliion of German citizens let themselves be sold a de facto junk real estate as an investment, above all for the age precaution. It is true that very few of them […]

Federal Court of Justice: advisors are personally liable for immoral damage to investors

– Misrepresentation of risk and return by bankers, underwriters and training managers -.     False promises and greed for commissions lead to personal liability The German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) has ruled on 19.02.2008 (Ref. XI ZR 170/07) that an investment advisor had intentionally caused immoral damage, § 826 BGB: The advisor had recommended […]

Company pension scheme (bAV) through deferred compensation: 10 billion social security as liability potential for employers

Company pension scheme (bAV) through deferred compensation: 10 billion social security as liability potential for employers *by Dr. Johannes Fiala, Attorney at Law (Munich), MBA Financial Services (Univ.), MM (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), Lecturer for Civil and Insurance Law (BA Heidenheim, Univ. of Cooperative Education), (www.fiala.de) and Dipl.-.Math. Peter A. Schramm, expert […]

High back payments life insurance

Control The Federal Court of Justice ordered insurers to improve the surrender value. If cancellation deductions were also made at the time of termination, these must often be refunded. Insurance customers who have taken out endowment life insurance or private pension insurance (from January 1995, possibly earlier) are affected. Following a decision by the Federal […]