Insured event in legal expenses insurance (RSV): When does it make sense to file a coverage claim if benefits are denied?

Insurance companies offer the customer a good feeling until the customer is then faced with a mostly justified refusal of benefits in the event of a claim. The vast majority of intermediaries have hardly any market overview for a comparison of offers at home and abroad – especially not the customer. The broker lets a […]

External division of occupational pension rights

With regard to pension equalisation, there is currently (still) the possibility of “external splitting” of company pension schemes (bAV), for example in the event of divorce, Section 17 of the German Pension Equalisation Act (VersAusglG). Affected are direct commitments (also known as pension commitments) as well as rights against a relief fund. The beneficiary spouse […]

…and perhaps reduced claims?

Life insurers do not have to inform about reduction possibilities, but they are liable for incorrect advice due to legal advice obligations.   Members of the German Bundestag posed the following question: “What are the legal obligations of life insurance companies to inform their customers about the possibility of reducing claims before the contract is […]

Optimize pension equalization – even during a current marriage

Company pension scheme: Dr. Johannes Fiala and Peter Schramm explain how a higher level of provision can be achieved with less effort in a guest article for With regard to pension equalisation, there is currently (still) the possibility of “external splitting” of company pension schemes (bAV), for example in the event of divorce, Section […]

Tax evasion included?

Life insurance coats from Liechtenstein: A distribution model with thick question marks   In order to avoid the final withholding tax on investment income, and in the end to reduce taxes and tax-free retention of income, life insurance undertakings from Liechtenstein offer so-called insurance shells. On the outside it says “life insurance” – on the […]

Bank liability towards municipalities in foreign exchange swap transactions – Risky speculative business despite municipal ban on speculation?

Renowned major banks and savings banks lead inexperienced treasurers and managers of municipal companies into an interest rate trap with billions in losses. This is a brilliant business for credit institutions – an estimated 40% of local authorities are affected.     Allegedly exclusive concepts from the bank product department   Speculation with foreign exchange […]