Federal Court of Justice (BGH): No protection against access by the insolvency administrator in the case of pension commitments

– Why up to more than 95% of managing partners lose their pension- A new ruling by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) dated 1 April 2013 (ref. IX ZR 176/76) shows that managing partners and controlling directors often face the complete or predominant loss of their pension as a retirement benefit despite “pledging the […]

Optimisation of widow’s pensions for compulsory members of pension schemes

– Possibilities of structuring pension assets in pension chambers –   The Higher Administrative Court of Rhineland-Palatinate (OVG Rheinland-Pfalz, judgment of 26.05.2010, Case No. 6 A 10320/10.OVG) already dismissed the action of a doctor who wanted to have it established that his wife would later be entitled to a widow’s pension from the pension fund. […]

Federal agency omits legal fortune imputation with Rürup savers – employment agency ignores will of the legislator

– How insurers’ lies are believed and harm the middle class by the millions – No security for imputation due to Hartz IV and other social benefits In an admirable act of lobbying, life insurers have succeeded in persuading intermediaries, customers and even the Federal Employment Agency that the capital saved for Rürup pensions would […]