Wrong interest calculation with system: Interest fraud by banks

Interest fraud with system

How banks and credit institutions earn money with incorrect interest calculations We Germans are known beyond our national borders for our preference for cash and savings books. In a European comparison, we are the undisputed number one with a savings rate of approx. 17 %. Our confidence in saving seems to be unshakable and despite […]

Life insurers: Are premium increases due to low interest rates permissible?

Some legal experts believe that the permanent mini interest rates will allow insurance companies to reduce their guarantees or increase premiums. But this is a contentious issue. As is well known, the permanent low level of interest rates is causing considerable problems for German life insurers. However, legal experts disagree on whether companies are therefore […]

Life insurers: Are premium increases due to low interest rates permissible?

Some legal experts believe that the permanent mini interest rates will allow insurance companies to reduce their guarantees or increase premiums. But this is a contentious issue.   www.institutional-money.com (published on 15.06.2017)   Link: http://www.institutional-money.com/news/regulierung/headline/lebensversicherer-sind-praemienerhoehungen-wegen-magerzinsen-zulaessig-134639/