Attorney Asset protection Asset protection

Lawyer Asset Protection in Munich

Asset protection: Protect your private or business assets from creditors and insolvency From our daily practice we know that there are a number of different ways to lose your assets and also your old age provision. The classic cases in the private sector go far beyond the extent of inflation and tax liability. For example, […]

Subscription right LV: How the contract value can be collected retroactively

How can the irrevocable subscription right be eliminated by revoking the life insurance? What options are available to heirs or insolvency administrators to collect the contract value retroactively.   If a life insurance contract falls within the estate, all rights of structuring apply first of all; such as termination, revocation of a subscription right, contesting […]

No secure supply

Why Rürup pensions are not protected against insolvency / Neither protected against seizure nor suitable for old-age provision   The Rürup pension is a typical tax-saving model. The seller’s trick is often to highlight the tax advantages at the beginning of the contract or in the savings phase, but to completely ignore the later risks […]