Deposit insurance for credit institutions and securities trading firms, Part 1

When maybe only 100,000 euros are secured and the rest becomes a restructuring profit for the bank….   The Financial Market Authority cannot prevent the insolvency of credit institutions, securities trading houses or insurance companies. For securities trading companies, the maximum compensation obligation is 90% of up to EUR 20,000. In the past, there was […]

In focus: Liability traps for lawyers and tax advisors in connection with advice on occupational pension schemes

Insolvency risks – Authority to provide legal services – Insurance cover Occupational pensions are an important component of retirement provision. They obtain their complex position in the German legal system through the interdisciplinary interaction of the most diverse fields of law, which can easily become a liability trap for legal and tax advisors; the numerous […]

Company pension via a foundation?

The forecasts for benefits of numerous private pension insurance policies have more than halved since they were taken out, which has only been the case since 1990, due to the sharp fall in interest rates in the meantime. This is no different in occupational pension schemes (bAV), which are largely organised via life insurance policies. […]

Insurance law practical – Is a broker allowed to pay back commission to his client?

At this point, attorney at law Dr. JohannesFiala,, lecturer for insurance law at DHBW Heidenheim, your questions. You can ask questions by sending an e-mail The insurance broker has a duty in the interest of his client, the  policyholder, to (1) investigate risk, (2) examine property, (3) place risk, and (4) inform his […]

Insurance fraud in connection with partial retirement, working time accounts and pension commitments via double trust (CTA)

Total loss in the case of partial retirement, working time accounts and pension commitments How directors, other officers, or self-employed agents completely lose their retirement benefits due to ineffective trust models.   The business model of renowned corporate consultants for occupational pension schemes (bAV) includes the provision of the reinsurance assets by means of a […]

The tax consultant as a financial advisor – (k)a competition for financial service providers?

Time and again, tax advisors and lawyers try their hand at “investment advice” – occasionally not only for a fee but also for commission if the investment is successful. Conversely, insurance companies (e.g. when setting up a company pension scheme) and banks (e.g. for financial advice and succession planning) are increasingly offering the customer a […]

The foundation as a rock in the surf – value preservation and tax relief via the foundation

Foundations have existed in Germany for centuries. Some of them still exist today and have survived wars, recessions, banking crises, changes of government and other events. Many assets – such as works of art, collections, buildings with land – could be preserved for posterity with the help of a foundation. The topic of “foundations” has […]