A place to stay for the bills

April 1, 2008 – A small CD-ROM containing data from a small bank in a small state plunged a large number of international investors into a major crisis. From which she hasn’t really recovered yet. The capitalists, constantly on the run from the grasp of the treasury, no longer know where to go. How easy […]

Unrest among German insurers

Tax-saving models from the Principality of Liechtenstein come under the spotlight Düsseldorf – The affair surrounding tax evasion in Liechtenstein is also worrying German insurers, who are trying to woo customers with controversial tax-saving policies from the Principality. The insurance group Talanx is investigating possible risks of its Liechtenstein business, as group CEO Herbert Haas […]

Unrest among German insurers

Tax-saving models from the Principality of Liechtenstein come under the spotlight Düsseldorf – The affair surrounding tax evasion in Liechtenstein is also worrying German insurers, who are trying to woo customers with controversial tax-saving policies from the Principality. The insurance group Talanx is investigating possible risks of its Liechtenstein business, as group CEO Herbert Haas […]

Criminal tax fraud or money laundering with the help of foundation trustees and life insurance companies

Johannes Fiala, Peter A. Schramm It is the responsibility of the capital investor to have “tax saving models” examined independently of “fee and commission interests” before making an investment decision. Because even re – nommierte credit institutes arrange dubious investment models until today. Seit Jahren schreiben Steuerfahndungsstellen Bundesbürger wegen „Ermittlungsverfahren nach § 208 Abs. 1 […]

Renaissance of the non-profit status – the trust foundation

Dr. Johannes Fiala and Frank M. Strobelt* Trust foundations have a tradition in Germany that goes back more than a thousand years. Many foundations established hundreds of years ago are still operating today. The state explicitly acknowledges the commitment of donors with generous tax breaks and benefits related to the law of public benefit. Positive […]

Insurance coats come into fashion

With the final withholding tax, traditional asset management with funds is losing much of its appeal. Insurance shells based on the Luxembourg or Liechtenstein model are likely to gain in importance despite the current heated debates on tax evasion. You don’t have to be a prophet to predict one thing: insurance shell companies will come […]

Life Insurance

In the course of the coming final withholding tax, life insurers from Liechtenstein are increasingly appearing in Germany. In this context, the Munich lawyer Dr. Johannes Fiala has pointed out that the problem of abuse of structure can arise here, which leads to a tax-privileged life insurance policy becoming a taxable investment. According to Fiala, […]

The fair tax fairy tale

Black money abroad and other investment risks “My son, do your business with pleasure during the day, but only do it in such a way that we can sleep peacefully at night”. (Thomas Mann, Buddenbrooks)   Tax fairness: “Inflation is eating away at assets and my retirement savings !” The “perceived inflation” of real everyday […]