Federal Supreme Court prohibits insurance consultants from charging contingency fees for changing tariffs in private health insurance

– How the insurance consultant with a second job may do exactly this and more nevertheless –   Insurance brokers as well as insurance consultants are allowed to offer policyholders (VN) in private health insurance (PKV) at the change of tariff according to the new tariff. § Section 204 of the German Insurance Contract Act […]

Comment: The (correct) tariff change in the PKV

With every premium adjustment in private health insurance the additional benefits are calculated according to the increasing age reached, in line with the statutory calculation guidelines. This is in line with the model of private health insurers, whose premiums at an advanced age can already amount to more than EUR 1,000 per month. One comment. […]

Tax evasion through net policy brokerage

Destruction of existence through liability for insurance and sales tax?   Since a ruling by the VG Frankfurt am Main, BaFin has no longer prosecuted violations by intermediaries of the commission fee ban, but insurers are still bound by it under supervisory law. Commissions can be up to more than 38 percent of the initial […]