Every retirement plan on one leg is dangerous

Are state parliamentarians threatened with poverty in old age? Trade union pension experts complained in 2018 that members of a state parliament received 3.675% p.a. of their diets as a pension under the pension law in force until 2007, with a calculated income of EUR 8,220 after five years, i.e. EUR 1,510 as a pension. […]

Life insurers: Are premium increases due to low interest rates permissible?

Some legal experts believe that the permanent mini interest rates will allow insurance companies to reduce their guarantees or increase premiums. But this is a contentious issue. As is well known, the permanent low level of interest rates is causing considerable problems for German life insurers. However, legal experts disagree on whether companies are therefore […]

From bank(s) and casino bets

How does case law help financial institutions to pass on miscalculations?   The regulations on the elimination of the basis of business in the German Civil Code (BGB) can be an approach to reorganize financial institutions in distress. For example, when building societies terminate the higher-interest deposits – sometimes with success. An insurer could terminate […]

PKV: Impossible escape from rising premiums

There are many factors contributing to inflation in private health insurance. For example, charges for cross-subsidisation for the basic, standard and emergency tariffs. Those who have concluded their private health insurance before 01.01.2009 can also change to the standard tariff – the others only to the basic tariff. The lack of the insurer’s (VR) right […]

Risk Time value account

Financial product distributors are increasingly promoting working time accounts and the models of partial retirement. The financial intermediaries are mostly concerned with commissions: Few brokers are aware of the civil and criminal liability risks. A time value account is not an implementation method of the company pension scheme. Rather, it is a matter of a […]

Deposit insurance and guarantees at banks, government bonds and insurance companies worthless?

All guarantees, in whose security one lulls oneself, have no absolute value. After all, the decisive factors are the conditions and the legal framework for this, political legal certainty and the economic default risk of the guarantor.   Guarantee certificates Looking for “total return investments” where you end up getting 100% of your investment back […]