Private health insurance (PKV) cuts dental laboratory costs to the level of statutory health insurance

– Judgement LG Aachen: Private health insurance and privately insured persons often only owe statutory health insurance prices –   Dentists joke about their patients “The earnings from a total renovation have been enough for generations to buy a new swimming pool”. However, a new ruling by the Aachen Regional Court (Ref. 11 O 367/10 […]

Additional remuneration agreement can be revoked

The German Federal Supreme Court (BGH, ruling of 12 December 2013, file no. III ZR 124/13) decided that not only a broker but also an insurance agent can be promised a remuneration by his customer for brokering a life insurance policy with a net policy. Capital investors and medium-sized companies are increasingly taking advantage of […]

Generation consultants, succession planners and financial planners together with initiators in conflict with the Legal Services Act

For decades there has been the training as Financial-Planner (financial planner), Estate-Planner (succession planner) and for some years now as Generation Consultant with IHK certificate. Surely only the trainers will make money from this for the time being. At second glance, it is a guide to the violation of the Legal Services Act (RDG) and […]