Oldtimer eine beliebte Alternative Geldanlage

Alternative investments

How to protect your assets Where to put all that money? An admittedly somewhat gloating question that will certainly only concern a portion of our readership, but could be all the more valuable for them. Cash is dead, long live cash. Not only since the current inflation (2022) of more than 7%, we are noticing […]

Training liability in insurance, capital investment and bank sales

Why training and sales managers are personally liable in private health insurance sales. An analysis by attorney Dr. Johannes Fiala and mathematician Peter A. Schramm.   Landauf Landab insurance brokers, independent financial service providers and bank advisors complain that at sales events held by trainers, they actually only experience positive product features through colourful pictures, […]

No yield tuning by selling the pension and life insurance in the secondary market?

– What insurance customers should be aware of before or after they terminate –   Countless brokers and advisors live from new business. So there is nothing more obvious than to persuade customers to cancel or sell their existing investments, especially life insurance policies. However, general statements about pension (RV) and life insurance (LV) policies […]

Why private basic pensions often lead to losses for policyholders

A marketing expert remarked: “The best marketing agency is in Berlin – that is, the government”. First came the Riester pension with subsidised allowances, then the increasingly tax-deductible basic pension – also known as the Rürup pension. One financial services provider said: “The shift from state to private retirement provision is a growth market for […]

When real estate becomes junk real estate

How do banks and insurance companies finance usuriously overpriced real estate? Scrap real estate is a topic for up to more than two million affected investors. The Investors’ Council says: “Only invest in investments that you understand yourself”. This applies to the timing of investments and the ongoing monitoring of capital investments. More often, experts […]

Curtailment Life insurance

Reduction of life insurance: No information obligation for life insurers on reduction possibilities

Members of the German Bundestag asked: “What legal obligations do life insurance companies have to inform their customers about the possibility of reducing claims before the contract is concluded, and what is the practice of life insurance policies as established by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)?   The answer of the Federal Government of […]

…and perhaps reduced claims?

Life insurers do not have to inform about reduction possibilities, but they are liable for incorrect advice due to legal advice obligations.   Members of the German Bundestag posed the following question: “What are the legal obligations of life insurance companies to inform their customers about the possibility of reducing claims before the contract is […]