How relatives are exempted from having to reclaim social assistance for care costs

– Have supplementary nursing care insurance policies served their time as asset protection policies? – Compulsory long-term care insurance (PPV) as partial coverage “Help yourself, that’s how God helps you” thought the legislator when he created the JPA – even with “Pflege-Bahr” only a partial cover of up to less than 50% of the nursing […]

Small or large matrimonial property regime swing for asset protection – absolutely legal design – or tax evasion deluxe?

Small or large matrimonial property regime for asset protection *- concerning the ex-manager of a DAX company, a public prosecutor suspects tax evasion as a result of the use of a matrimonial property regime. The legal counsel of the person concerned will consider filing a criminal complaint for alleged violation of official and service secrets. […]

The fairy tale of the unprofitable German pension insurance scheme

– When a funded pension would be comparable –   The Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (DRV) lets its insured know that voluntary contributions in particular lead to an annual pension of 5.18%. In many cases, it is nonsensical to compare returns, as this would require consideration of the increasing payouts, including increasing life expectancy. The answer […]