No protection against malicious actions

– How FIFA, Microsoft, WPs, BP and the Mafia are sued under the same law – VW is – hopefully – not a criminal organization, just like Microsoft, BP, the FIFA or auditors (WPs) of Russian companies. Surely VW only admitted the objective circumstances in a legally preventive way, or rather admitted something of which […]

Volkswagen or the Mafia – who is a criminal organisation?

VW is not a criminal organization, just like Microsoft, BP, the FIFA or auditors (WPs) of Russian companies. Surely VW only admitted the objective circumstances in a legally preventive way, or rather admitted something of which perhaps until today one did not even know for sure whether one had done it at all – but […]

Return knowledge for lawyers

Among lawyers, the old adage still applies: “iudex non calculat”. But a few days ago, an article1 appeared in the business section of the FAZ, which, due to the headline, did not reveal the explosive nature of the author’s comments on the subject of yields. In everyday life we often use terms about whose meaning […]

Money from the state for companies?

The international financial crisis has reshuffled the cards in the credit poker. Basel II is tough and smart bankers are not naive. Creditworthiness is the key to liquidity! Otherwise, the dream of investment-led funding is shattered. Es ist kein Geheimnis, sobald sich internationale Finanzkrisen anbahnen, brechen für Unternehmen harte Zeiten an. Geldinstitute sind in Aufruhr. […]

Warning against “fake auditor attestations” from Switzerland

Source : (by RA Fiala – From a German point of view, it is surprising that every baker or butcher in Switzerland is allowed to call himself an “auditor” (WP) or to found a fiduciary company. The professional title “Wirtschaftsprüfer” is not protected in Switzerland. Anyone who now wants to know whether […]

+++Warning against “fake auditor attestations” from Switzerland

Source : (from RA Fiala – From a German point of view it is surprising that every baker or butcher in Switzerland is allowed to call himself a “Wirtschaftsprüfer” (WP) or to found a Treuhand-AG. The professional title “Wirtschaftsprüfer” is not protected in Switzerland. Anyone who now wants to know whether a […]

Warning against “fake auditor attestations” from Switzerland

From a German point of view it is surprising that every baker or butcher in Switzerland is allowed to call himself a “Wirtschaftsprüfer” (WP) or to found a Treuhand-AG. The professional title “Wirtschaftsprüfer” is not protected in Switzerland. Anyone who now wants to know whether a confirmation comes from a “genuine” auditor can easily find […]

Financial services: Attorney disbarment

*by Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), EC Expert (C.I.F.E.), Lecturer (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Banker ( Lawyers who work in sales do not get a licence: The Federal Court of Justice has (judgement of 15.05.2006, Az. Anw(Z) 41/05) currently confirms that lawyers are not […]

Company pension schemes, social security clearing, tax saving schemes: Liability brake by checking the permissibility of tax and legal advice !

Es ist verrückt, die Dinge immer gleich zu machen und dabei auf andere Ergebnisse zu hoffen. (Albert Einstein) In den letzten Jahren haben der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) und das Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) die Rechtsberatung massiv liberalisiert. Der Gesetzgeber plant weitere Erleichterungen auf Wunsch der Wirtschaft, durch das neue Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz (RDG). Für Finanzdienstleister ergeben sich dadurch neue Märkte: […]

bAV: Valuation of pension provisions – auditors sound the alarm

IDW criticizes unrealistic balance sheet approach The renowned Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW) puts it in a nutshell in its press release of 16.01.2006:   “Deficiencies in the current regulations – The tax requirement of 6% thus results in a provisioning approach that is too low. Similarly, Section 6a of the Income Tax Act prohibits the […]