Vermeidung der Schenkungssteuer

Gift tax and inheritance tax

How to protect your assets from gift tax First of all, it is important to clarify the question of why such a bizarre-sounding tax as the gift tax is actually levied in Germany. The widespread belief that one can freely dispose of one’s own property and private assets, which have already been severely affected by […]

Subscription right in direct insurance

On the liability of insurance companies, agents and insurance brokers for incorrect design on the part of the legislator Insurance brokers have always had a particularly heavy responsibility towards their customers. In the German Insurance Contract Act (VVG), the legislator has expressly defined the liability of the insurance intermediary in §§ 59 ff. VVG.   […]

Explosive: “tax-neutral black money”

Liability for taxes evaded by clients in banking and financial advice   Advice, information and conduct duties/tasks of an asset manager with a KWG licence, a sales-oriented investment advisor and a structured financial planner in the presumption, recognition, support and supervision of the financial planning process. Aid for liquid forms of investment with tax-reducing effects/potential […]

Design pitfalls in the case of subscription rights in direct insurance

Liability of insurance companies, agents and insurance brokers for faulty design   Insurance brokers have always had a particularly heavy responsibility towards their customers. In the German Insurance Contract Act (VVG), the legislator has expressly defined the liability of the insurance intermediary in §§ 59 ff. VVG.   Obligation to pay contributions to statutory health […]

Tax-neutral settlement of pension commitments in combination with an own charitable trust foundation

*by Dr. Johannes Fiala, lawyer (Munich), mediator (Univ.), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), certified financial and investment advisor (A.F.A.), lecturer for civil and insurance law (BA Heidenheim, Univ. of Cooperative Education), banker ( and Andreas M. Bosl, management consultant (Pöcking/Starnberg) Managing Director of Mittelstands- Strategie-Beratung GmbH and owner of MBD Mittelstands-Beratungs-Dienst e.K. (www.mbdbav. de) […]

Planning ahead

The charitable trust foundation can be an effective solution for medium-sized entrepreneurs – especially in the case of liquidity bottlenecks and inheritance law. Almost completely unnoticed by the entire public, a fundamental reform of the inheritance and gift tax is imminent in 2007. This is like a time bomb for the entire middle class, because […]

Let the pants down properly

The new capital adequacy guidelines for banks and securities firms, Basel II for short, have been in force since 1 January 2007. For many camping entrepreneurs it is therefore high time to deal with it, because with Basel II creditworthiness and liquidity are becoming more and more important for bank customers. When it comes to […]

Effective solutions for medium-sized entrepreneurs – especially in the event of liquidity bottlenecks and in the law of succession

Almost completely unnoticed by the entire public, a fundamental reform of the inheritance and gift tax is imminent in 2007. This is like a time bomb for the entire middle class, because the details are only now becoming known step by step.   Experts and tax experts, for example from the Association of German Chambers […]