Voluntarily insured pensioners pay too high health insurance contributions

– How self-employed persons and pensioners are also transferred from pension schemes to compulsory insurance – Typically, (compulsory) members of the 89 professional pension schemes are either privately insured in old age (PKV) or voluntarily insured by the statutory health insurance system (GKV) at too high a price. However, this also frequently affects former self-employed […]

Statutorily insured without occupational abandonment

The most important information on compulsory health insurance and pension insurance for the self-employed The Federal Social Court (BSG, ruling of 29.07.2015, Ref. B 12 KR 4/13 R) ruled that the mere performance of duties as a body of a corporation (AG, GmbH) without further active involvement in the GmbH beyond that does not constitute […]

Compulsory insurance in KV and RV for self-employed persons

– How the self-employed can take out statutory insurance even if they do not have a job –   The Federal Social Court (BSG, ruling of 29.07.2015, Ref. B 12 KR 4/13 R) ruled that the mere performance of duties as a body of a corporation (AG, GmbH) without further active involvement in the GmbH […]

How the self-employed can take out statutory insurance

In the case of the Federal Social Court, the owner of a clothing chain was to be treated only as a “part-time self-employed person” after he had received a widower’s and standard old-age pension, so that in future he would not have to pay the higher voluntary contributions but only compulsory contributions to the statutory […]

Insured in the statutory health insurance without minimum premium payment

Self-employed persons with a very low income can apply to pay less than the so-called minimum contribution to the statutory health insurance (GKV). But Dr. Johannes Fiala and Dipl.-Math. Peter A. Schramm think that you have to come up with this on your own, because hardly anyone will tell you voluntarily. What the tariff change […]

Opportunities for a reduction in contributions or a return to statutory health insurance

– What the tariff change broker never reveals and rarely knows – A recent study by a lobby organisation proposes to make statutory health insurance (GKV) more attractive for lower earning self-employed persons, as reported by a newspaper from Southern Germany. For self-employed persons there would be a minimum contribution of 342 euros per month. […]

What the tariff change broker never reveals and rarely knows

The Ministry of Economic Affairs has submitted a draft bill to transpose the EU Insurance Distribution Directive IDD into German law. Accordingly, the ban on commissions remains in force and in future there will be “fee-based insurance consultants The SHI system should become more attractive for the self-employed. In the guest article, attorney Dr. Fiala […]

How notional payments lead to the tax burden

How are statute-barred loans and gifts treated in tax law and insolvency? In the guest article, Dr. Fiala and Peter Schramm explain how fictitious payments lead to the tax burden.   The Federal Fiscal Court decided in a ruling of 9 February 2015 (file no. I B 32/14) that the statute of limitations for claims […]

Tax-optimised compensation of pension commitments through a well thought-out spin-off from the GmbH

The pension promise as a tax trap?   The advantages of a pension commitment are sufficiently known to every tax consultant and GmbH controlling shareholder-managing director. Tax advisors have also recommended this pension plan to their clients in order to reduce taxes and increase liquidity in the company.   However, experts estimate that over 90% […]

Company pension scheme: Social assistance is pre-programmed in case of design errors

Findige bAV-Unternehmensberatung apply for a pension commitment check: “We would be happy to take over the professional checking of pension commitments for you. In doing so, we also ensure that frequent deficiencies that occur in practice (…) are also recognised”. With order the mediator receives ?questionnaires ?unfortunately however central risks are not recognized thereby, because […]