Generation consultants, succession planners and financial planners together with initiators in conflict with the Legal Services Act

For decades there has been the training as Financial-Planner (financial planner), Estate-Planner (succession planner) and for some years now as Generation Consultant with IHK certificate. Surely only the trainers will make money from this for the time being. At second glance, it is a guide to the violation of the Legal Services Act (RDG) and […]

Asset Protection: How millionaires are misled by financial planners and consultants

– Why some asset protection leads to poverty or prison –   It is common practice for credit institutions of all kinds and independent advisors to sell “private financial planning” to their clients. This may well cost a few thousand euros in fees – only for the time being, because the damage done in the […]

Interview with lawyer Johannes Fiala on current trends in the financial services sector

(epn) Mr. Fiala, we would like to start by introducing you to our readers. You have started your professional career as a banker at Bankhaus H.Aufhäuser. Afterwards you studied economics with a focus on financial services (Master of Business Administration, University of Wales) and law (lawyer for over 10 years). They sit on the examination […]

Financial services: Attorney disbarment

*by Johannes Fiala, Lawyer (Munich), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), Certified Financial and Investment Advisor (A.F.A.), EC Expert (C.I.F.E.), Lecturer (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Banker ( Lawyers who work in sales do not get a licence: The Federal Court of Justice has (judgement of 15.05.2006, Az. Anw(Z) 41/05) currently confirms that lawyers are not […]

What are acquisition brokerage, investment advice, financial portfolio management, financial planning, investment brokerage and prospectus liability?

Investment brokerage: Investment brokerage (also called acquisition brokerage, especially in the insurance sector) is the pure brokering of a third party’s investment (no products created by the client). What is owed is the provision of information and the execution of the mediation, but no advice. The investor has a limited expectation here, because he only […]

Financial investments for guardians, wards and benefactors – a legal and financial analysis

by Johannes Fiala, lawyer In many statutes of foundations, but also in guardianships, the assets are to be invested “gilt-edged”. Moreover, according to the law, the return has to be in an appropriate proportion to the risk. The work offers for the bank and insurance selling a regular manual for the consultation of guardians and […]

How to check the quality of an investment before buying – financial planning using the example of “junk real estate”.

by Johannes Fiala, lawyer Eine Investition in eine schlechte Geldanlage kann Ihr gesamtes zukünftiges Leben beeinträchtigen. Neben den finanziellen Lasten kommt noch die soziale und emotionale Belastung dazu. Dieser Artikel soll zeigen, wie sich “der Deutsche” Produkte verkaufen lässt – und durch welches Vorgehen sich die typischen Fehler vermeiden lassen. Dieses Wissen mag zwar nicht […]

Professional financial planning

This way you will have your 2006 income and expenses safely under control!   Building a Comprehensive Financial Plan Professional private financial planning allows asset owners to answer many questions about their financial circumstances and private retirement planning. Financial planning identifies gaps in provision that may arise in retirement and helps to uncover and eliminate […]

Financial investment for wards and dependants

In numerous statutes of foundations, but also in guardianships, the assets are to be invested “gilt-edged”. Moreover, according to the law, the return must be in proportion to the risk. The work provides a regular guide for bank and insurance sales staff on how to advise guardians and trusts on optimising capital and asset investments. […]

Investment in North America

Why Canada is attractive for investors The economic and political situation in Europe, as well as the issues of climate change and peace, are prompting more and more people to diversify their assets. Whereas in the past people had invested their assets classically in real estate and shares in Germany, there is a clear trend […]