Retirement provision benefits companies and employees – savings pot for medium-sized companies

  More than ever before, every German citizen is responsible for his or her own retirement provision. The benefits of the statutory pension are by far not sufficient to even come close to maintaining the accustomed standard of living at retirement age. Even the Retirement Assets Act (AVmG) passed on 11 May 2001 is only […]

Federal Social Court restricts offer of optional tariffs by health insurance companies

– Why optional tariffs and more are nevertheless being extended by health insurance companies – The BSG judgement of 30 July 2019 (file number B 1 KR 34/18 R) has shown that the problem of the optional tariffs offered by the health insurance funds, for example for abroad, optional services in hospitals or supplementary dental […]

Occupational pension provision: Zillmerisation in the case of deferred compensation inadmissible

– Judgement of the Munich Regional Labour Court is legally binding – Appeal apparently withdrawn due to lack of prospects of success – Employer and intermediary are in a billion-euro liability –   Employer collects first – and pays twice later The Regional Labor Court (Landesarbeitsgericht – LAG) Munich (ruling of March 15, 2007, file […]

Occupational pension scheme: Employers liable for poor returns

According to the ruling, employers are liable if an occupational pension provider – such as a pension fund – reduces its benefits in accordance with its statutes. As a result of the continuing low level of interest rates, virtually every employer with occupational pension commitments will soon have to reckon with this. What specific risks […]

Company pension

Why they are at risk from low interest rates and who is liable for them A new ruling by the Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht – BAG) confirms that employers are liable if a company pension scheme (bAV) sponsor reduces its benefits in accordance with its statutes. As a result of the continuing low level of […]

Company pension scheme: Threatening wave of insolvencies for provident funds?

– New billion-dollar liability for employers and intermediaries –.   Support fund risk: Rulings prove total loss risk Courts have repeatedly ruled that the assets of provident funds (UK), together with any reinsurance policies they may have taken out, are part of their insolvency estate: a lawsuit brought by employees and managing directors has repeatedly […]

Liability traps with the time value account

Time value accounts and the models of partial retirement are paid by the Financial sales increasingly advertised. The financial intermediaries it’s mostly about commissions: The fewest intermediaries know about the civil and criminal law Liability risks for fiscal Consultants and the management the employer. In order to create an implementation channel for the company pension […]

Judgement LArbG Munich: Employer liable for Zillmerung!!!

Neues Urteil des Landesarbeitsgericht München: Arbeitgeber haftet für Zillmerung. über 100 Milliarden Potential für Arbeitgeberhaftung durch Entgeltumwandlung. Arbeitgeber dürfen bei betrieblicher Altersversorgung oft „doppelt zahlen“!* *von Dr. Johannes Fiala, Rechtsanwalt (München), Mediator (Univ.), MBA Finanzdienstleistungen (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), geprüfter Finanz- und Anlageberater (A.F.A.), Lehrbeauftragter für Bürgerliches Recht und Versicherungsrecht (Univ. of Cooperative Education), Bankkaufmann (, […]

Company pension scheme (bAV) from the tax advisor: void consulting contracts with the bAV company advisor. *

*by Dr. Johannes Fiala, lawyer (Munich), mediator (Univ.), MBA Financial Services (Univ.Wales), MM (Univ.), certified financial and investment advisor (A.F.A.), lecturer in civil law and insurance law (Univ. of Cooperative Education), banker ( and Dipl.-Math. Peter A. Schramm, actuary DAV, expert for actuarial mathematics, publicly appointed and sworn by the IHK Frankfurt am Main for […]

Immense liability potential for intermediaries: Zillmerung in bAV impermissible!

24.04.2007 Ein aktuelles Urteil des Landesarbeitsgerichts (LAG) München bestätigt, dass die Verrechnung der Abschlusskosten in den ersten Jahren – insbesondere durch Zillmerung – in der betrieblichen Altersversorgung mit Entgeltumwandlung unzulässig ist. Entsprechende Vereinbarungen sind nichtig – selbst wenn der Arbeitnehmer vorher über die Abschlusskostenverrechung ausdrücklich aufgeklärt wurde. In seinen Gründen geht das LAG darüber hinaus […]